“When the Future Was 2000AD”

Reading suggestion from Josh Begley, ACD for English Comp at Full Sail: “This pertains to comic writing, but I think the tips here are very useful for story writing in general. I especially like the advice about how to make the twist ending the core of your plot.”

Check it out!





About Em-dash Lady

Em-dash Lady enjoys creative writing most of all, but her interests include art forms from music to writing to visual art to indie films and so forth. She's especially interested in how the art forms influence each other and blend together. She's a creative writing teacher and writer who mostly writes memoir and poetry about her favorite activity, watching TV. I would say I'm kidding, but I'm not. Naps are also her favorite. Too many favorites to count! Enjoy following Em-dash Lady as she figures out how she fits in the ever-evolving world of art.
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